
INTERSTELLAR (interpretation, scalable transformation, and emulation of large-scale sequencing reads) is a versatile software tool that extracts data values from sequencing reads and translates them into sequencing reads of another structure according to a user-defined process configuration file.
A universal sequencing read interpreter.
Science Advances 9, eadd2793, 2023 PubMed

QUEEN is a framework to generate quinable and efficiently editable nucleotide sequence resources to resolve many current issues in building DNA. QUEEN enables to design a new DNA by using existing DNA resource files and records the construction process in an output file (GenBank file format). The GenBank files generated by QUEEN are able to regenerate the process codes that perfectly clone themselves and bequeath the design history to successive DNA constructs that recycle their partial resources. QUEEN-generated GenBank files are compatible with the existing DNA repository services and software.
A framework to efficiently describe and share reproducible DNA materials and construction protocols.
Nature Communications 13, 2894, 2022 PubMed PDF

FRACTAL (framework for distributed computing to trace huge accurate lineage) is a new distributed computing framework that is designated to reconstruct a large lineage of DNA sequences that have evolved or diversified from an ancestral DNA sequence through the accumulation of mutations.
Deep distributed computing to reconstruct extremely large lineage trees.
Nature Biotechnology 40, 566-575, 2022 PubMed

PRESUME is a software tool that simulates cell division or speciation and diversification of DNA sequences in the growing population.
Deep distributed computing to reconstruct extremely large lineage trees.
Nature Biotechnology 40, 566-575, 2022 PubMed
Base editing prediction model
A Python script used for the base editing prediction in the following paper.
Base editors for simultaneous introduction of C-to-T and A-to-G mutations.
Nature Biotechnology 38, 865-869, 2020 PubMed PDF
SPADE is a software tool to explore various periodic repeat regions from large genomic and protein data resources in a high-throughput and unsupervised manner.
Fast and global detection of periodic sequence repeats in large genomic resources.
Nucleic Acids Research 47, e8, 2019 PubMed PDF