Highly efficient transgenic mouse production using piggyBac and its application to rapid phenotyping at the founder generation
A multi-kingdom genetic barcoding system for precise target clone isolation
License to cut: Smart RNA guides for conditional control of CRISPR-Cas9
Quantitative assaying of SpCas9-NG with fluorescent reporters
Structure and engineering of Brevibacillus laterosporus Cas9.
Communications Biology 7, 803, 2024 PubMed PDF
Heart failure promotes multimorbidity through innate immune memory.
Science Immunology 9, eade3814, 2024 PubMed
Pooled CRISPR screening of high-content cellular phenotypes using ghost cytometry.
Cell Reports Methods 4, 100737, 2024 PubMed PDF
Computational Design of Synthetic Optical Barcodes in Microdroplets.
Advanced Optical Materials 2302564, 2023 PDF
An AsCas12f-based compact genome-editing tool derived by deep mutational scanning and structural analysis.
DNA-GPS: A theoretical framework for optics-free spatial genomics and synthesis of current methods.
Cell Systems 14, 844-859.e4, 2023 PubMed PDF
*Corresponding authors

Tenure time loopers.
Nature Biotechnology 41, 1375-1377, 2023 PubMed PDF
*Corresponding authors
Comprehensive behavioral analyses of mice with a glycine receptor alpha 4 deficiency.
Molecular Brain 16, 44, 2023 PubMed
A universal sequencing read interpreter.
Science Advances 9, eadd2793, 2023 PubMed PDF
Martin Krzywinski's website on his thoughts and process of the cover production.

A framework to efficiently describe and share reproducible DNA materials and construction protocols.
Nature Communications 13, 2894, 2022 PubMed PDF
Molecular recorders to track cellular events.
High-Throughput Gene Mutagenesis Screening Using Base Editing.
Methods in Molecular Biology 2477, 331-348, 2022 PubMed
Engineered Campylobacter jejuni Cas9 variant with enhanced activity and broader targeting range.
Communications Biology 5, 211, 2022 PubMed
Barcode fusion genetics-protein-fragment complementation assay (BFG-PCA): tools and resources that expand the potential for binary protein interaction discovery.
Nucleic Acids Research 50, e54, 2022 PubMed
*Corresponding authors
Deep distributed computing to reconstruct extremely large lineage trees.
Nature Biotechnology 40, 566-575, 2022 PubMed PDF

CRISPR/Cas9-mediated base-editing enables a chain reaction through sequential repair of sgRNA scaffold mutations.
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Machine learning approach for discrimination of genotypes based on bright-field cellular images.
npj Systems Biology and Applications 7, 31, 2021 PubMed PDF
*Corresponding authors
Highly Multiplexed Analysis of CRISPR Genome Editing Outcomes in Mammalian Cells.
Methods in Molecular Biology 2312, 193-223, 2021 PubMed PDF
Interrogation of kinase genetic interactions provides a global view of PAK1-mediated signal transduction pathways.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 295, 16906-16919, 2020 PubMed
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